young man in a classroom full of students, watching someone at the front of the room


Our School exemplifies excellence in education and human services through clinical practice, 创新, 跨学科和国际课程, 社区参与, 教学, 个人和合作研究.

我们鼓励学生的求知欲, 谁变得坚强, 有效的, 全球社会中具有包容性和道德的领导者.


The 教育与公共服务学院 offers nationally accredited programs in education. 所有初级教师准备课程以及教育领导和阅读专家的高级课程都是由国家认可的教育工作者准备认证委员会(CAEP)认证的,直到2027年秋季. 学校咨询项目以及临床心理健康和咨询教育与监督博士项目在3月31日前获得了咨询和相关教育项目认证委员会的认证, 2021. 另外, the Lowry Center for Early Childhood Education is accredited by the National Associate for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 音乐教育的音乐学士学位和音乐教育与表演的音乐学士学位以及音乐系的其他课程在2023年之前由全国音乐学校协会(NASM)认证.

  • Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP) 到2027年秋季
  • 咨询认证委员会 & 相关教育项目(CACREP)至2026年10月31日
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 
  • 全国音乐学校协会(NASM),直到2023年

教育与人文服务学院于10月26日获得美国教育工作者资格认证委员会(CAEP)认证委员会颁发的初级许可级和高级认证, 2020年,任期七年. Below is a link to the specific programs reviewed by the CAEP 认证 Council. 

作为CAEP认证的一部分, 每个教育准备机构必须在其网站上报告并突出显示与CAEP制定的八项年度报告措施有关的数据, which are used to provide information to the public on program outcome and program impact. 365英国上市官网 provides descriptions and links to the data below.


  1. 衡量标准1:更全面的影响和有效性
    • 新教育者的有效性: Link to a table that shows completer 教育工作者效能评分 as reported by the State of Michigan. These scores incorporate 40% student impact data into their consideration along with principal observations. These scores show evidence of impact on P12 learning, 教学效果与雇主满意度.
  2. Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
    • 行政人员调查-奥克兰: This link gives information about feedback from employers of the graduates of our initial teacher preparation programs.
    • 一年级教师年终调查链接到一个表格,该表格显示了密歇根州教育部根据全州调查基准收集的一年级教师年度调查.
    • 新教育者的有效性: Link to a table that shows 教育工作者效能评分 as reported by the State of Michigan. 这些分数由招聘地区颁发,并将40%的学生影响数据与主要观察结果一起纳入考虑范围. These scores show evidence of impact on P12 learning, 教学效果与雇主满意度.
    • 教育领导完成者满意度:链接到教育领导教育硕士和领导教育专家的焦点小组成果,这两个课程都能获得密歇根州教育部中小学管理K-12 (ES)的执照。, and the Certificate in Central Office Administration which leads to the Central Office license (CO).
    • 地区联系协议 (Memorandums of Understanding): Link to the document listing the PK12 Districts for which have established Affiliation Agreements or MOUs  
    • 顾问委员会: Link to a document outlining the advisory boards convened by 365英国上市官网 related to educator programs. These boards give feedback on curriculum, clinical experiences, standards alignments and assessments. 
  3. Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion
    • 初始教师培训计划
      • 学生教学候选人绩效评估: Link to the 学生教学候选人绩效评估 (CPAST) for the past three semesters. This assessment is done at the end of intern 教学 by the intern teacher, 指导老师, 和大学导师, and the final ratings are a consensus of the three parties. This assessment shows that 365英国上市官网 intern teachers demonstrate proficiency related to the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards. 
      • 职业行为评估: 连结至专业行为评估(PBA), which measures candidates professional dispositions as related to the 教学 profession throughout the program. 
      • 密歇根州教师资格考试: 密歇根州教师资格考试 (MTTC) data with statewide benchmarks. This is a requirement in the State of Michigan for certification. 阅读专家, 学习障碍, 自闭症谱系障碍和情感障碍项目是高级项目,有执照要求,也列在高级项目部分. 
    • 高级教育工作者计划
      • Assessment Data for Master of Education in Education Leadership链接到教育领导硕士课程的评估结果,该课程将导致密歇根州教育部中小学管理K-12 (ES)执照,与CAEP高级标准A1:内容和教学知识相一致.  
      • Assessment Data for Educational Specialist in Leadership链接到领导力教育专家计划的评估结果,该计划将导致密歇根州教育部中小学管理K-12 (ES)执照,与CAEP高级标准A1:内容和教学知识相一致.  
      • 中办证书评估资料链接到中央办公室证书项目的评估结果,该项目将导致密歇根州教育部中央办公室(CO)执照,与CAEP高级标准A1:内容和教学知识相一致.   
      • 阅读专家州执照考试: Link to outcomes related to the State of Michigan Test for Certification for the Reading Specialist. Test scores demonstrate that candidates in the Reading Specialist program are competent for certification.
      • 特殊教育州执照考试数据: Link to outcomes for the 密歇根州教师资格考试 for 学习障碍, 情感障碍, and Autism Spectrum Disorder certification in the State of Michigan. Test scores demonstrate that candidates in the graduate Special Education programs are competent for certification. 
    • Educator Preparation Institution (EPI) Performance Score: EPI绩效分数由密歇根州每年根据大学教育学生的密歇根州教师资格考试(MTTC)通过率发布, and prior year’s satisfaction surveys collected from students 和大学导师s, 项目毕业生在前三年的教学中获得的教育者效能分数(由校长根据对学生学习的观察和影响,通过国家规定的教师评估给出), 学校行政人员调查, 学校人口统计.
  4. Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared
    • 毕业生雇主表: 这张表给出了教育和人类服务学院毕业生的就业信息,包括初级和高级课程.
    • Local Placement Patterns of Teacher Education 研究生s表格显示了雇用365英国上市官网毕业生的地区以及密歇根州传统公立学校和特许学校教师的人数.
    • 新教育者的有效性: Link to a table that shows completer 教育工作者效能评分 as reported by the State of Michigan. These scores incorporate 40% student impact data into their consideration along with principal observations. These scores show evidence of impact on P12 learning, 教学效果与雇主满意度.

An overarching goal of the Avondale/OU Partnership is to create a culture that supports a true 社区 of learners, inspiring children of all abilities to learn and thrive. 的伙伴关系, 通过设计, ensures that all participants see themselves as leaders, 善于解决问题,善于批判性思考. This learning environment is grounded in four key areas:

1. 教育研究机会
We hold true that acknowledging an issue is different from understanding an issue. 为此目的, 在一起,我们可以更好地理解关键的教育问题,并寻求通过利用365英国上市官网的能力进行高质量的教育研究,并有机会研究埃文代尔的现实世界的挑战,积极影响成功的方法.
2. 改进教学方法
As educational standards and expectations become more rigorous and our student body becomes more diverse, 我们老师的工具箱里需要更多的工具. The Avondale/OU Partnership provide our educators with a peer group to expand and enhance new and existing 教学 methods. Teachers need additional strategies in their toolbox to meet the demands of an ever more complex educational landscape. Helping teachers learn to better identify student needs through assessing educational situations, 诊断所涉及的关键问题并针对任何一组变量应用最佳教学实践对所有学习者的成功至关重要.
3. 提高学生参与度
Lev Vygotsky once said, “Children grow into the intellectual life of those around them.” The Avondale/OU Partnership School promotes a culture of thinking, where the group’s 集体 thinking as well as each individual’s thinking is valued, visible and actively promoted as part of the regular day-to-day experience of all group members. As the students are invited into multiple learning opportunities, 涵盖广泛的内容领域, 所有年龄的学习者都被邀请参与, 探索和深入思考他们周围的世界.

Avondale的家庭和社区的健康和福利可以通过365英国上市官网社区内可用的额外资源得到支持和鼓励. 封装服务是通过 SEHS咨询中心, which provides no-cost personal counseling on 365英国上市官网’s campus.

西澳大学医学院 provides health and wellness lessons within Avondale’s elementary Schools through the Medical School Student as Educator experiences, as well as a co-教学 model at Avondale High School, where OUWB Medical School students work closely with Biology students to learn more about communicable diseases and immunizations. 课程和经验是共同创造和有意设计的,以整合密歇根核心科学标准以及密歇根核心健康教育标准.
4. 提高学生成绩
To ensure that we are developing high performing young adults, 采用了几种测量方法. The results will be used to drive further understanding and improved educational delivery. Teachers work together through job-embedded professional learning opportunities, 比如教师实验室和学习小组, 研究和分析数据, read professional literature and observe and discuss best practices in instructional delivery, 教育研究与教育学.

卡佛,C. L.哈德逊,M。.艾伯特,M。.布鲁哈,S.布加吉,C.约翰逊,J. & 股票,年代. (2017).  Teachers learning together at Auburn Elementary: Supporting classroom teachers as associated teacher educators.  在克劳福德,C。. & 哈里斯,年代. (Eds.) Handbook on Classroom Teachers as Associated Teacher Educators. 教师教育工作者协会.

哈德逊,M.蔡尔兹,L. & 卡佛,C.L. (2016). 打开大门. 开放的思想. Empowered teachers work and learn shoulder to shoulder. 员工发展杂志,37(4), 18-23.

Guzniczak L.哈德逊,M。., & 坎贝尔,B. (2017). Collaborating for professional learning: Sharing with practice and pre-service teachers. Presented at Michigan Reading Association 61th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

卡佛,C. L. (2017). Maintaining a clinical practice partnership: The role of difficult conversations. Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, 坦帕, FL. 

Guzniczak L.张,B.G.麦克尼尼,J.刘毅.李鹏., Wu, W., & 直言不讳,J. (2016). Influences of a 大学-学校 partnership project on pre-service teacher's 功效 and pedagogical content knowledge in reading. A Symposium presented at the 66th Annual Literacy 研究 Association Conference, Nashville, TN.

卡佛,C. L. (2016). Defining teacher leadership in context: Lessons from an elementary partnership 学校. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the University Council on Educational Leadership, 底特律, MI.

卡佛,C. L. (2016). When teachers take the lead: Implications for principal leadership. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Educational 研究 Association, 华盛顿, DC.

Guzniczak L. & 哈德逊,M. (2016). Authentic settings of teacher learning and research:  School-大学 partnerships in action. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educator’s Conference, Chicago, IL.

卡佛,C. L.哈德逊,M。. & 股票,年代. (2016). Improving clinical practice through robust professional learning. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the 教师教育工作者协会, Chicago, IL.

Guzniczak L.哈德逊,M。. & 坎贝尔,B. (2016). University-district partnerships: Meeting student needs, integrating resources and services. 在密歇根阅读协会的60年th 年度会议,底特律,密歇根州.

Guzniczak L.麦克尼尼,J.裴,L.,高尔,N.,周,Y., & 刘,Y. (2015). 获取职前教师的知识, 功效, and growth in a literacy class through video data analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy 研究 Association Conference, Carlsbad, CA.

Guzniczak L. & 哈德逊,M. (2015). Avondale/365英国上市官网 Partnership:  United Are We. Michigan Reading Association Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. 2015年3月29日.

卡佛,C. L.奥尔森,M.第二,D. & 哈德逊,M. (2014). Field placement teacher support and 发展: Lessons learned in a new 学校/大学 partnership. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the 教师教育工作者协会.


The 多元化、公平和包容委员会 eng年龄s multiple voices throughout the 教育与公共服务学院 at 365英国上市官网, 包括学生, 工作人员, 教师, 以及校园和社区的合作伙伴.

We seek to compel reflection and interrogation of our worldviews, 假设, biases and practices; 勇敢空间中跨越差异的对话; and intersectional action toward social change at the individual, 学校和机构级别.

We envision a transformative 学校 and campus culture that supports educational equity, 访问, 发展, 跨种族的成功, 种族, 性别, 性, 信仰, 残疾, 社会经济地位, 年龄, 国籍和/或地位.

教师, 政府, 员工重视每一个人, 为了达到这个目的, 我们放大每一个独特声音的表达. 我们致力于社会正义, 的识别, 标识, 并指出了体制和结构上的不平等, 障碍, 以及基于性别的挑战, 比赛, 社会经济地位, 种族, 残疾, 语言, 宗教, 移民身份, 年龄, 以及性取向. 那些致力于社会正义的人有责任为那些生活受到不公正影响的人积极发声. Social justice eng年龄s in this important dialogue through individual, 集体, 以及制度自省(e.g., implicit and explicit bias), and dismantles policies and attitudes that affect our stakeholders (i.e., teacher candidates, students, clients, business partners, partner 学校s). It is our aim to build relationships across differences within our 学校, 大学, 社区, 和社会.


  • eng年龄 multiple voices throughout SEHS at 365英国上市官网, 包括学生, 工作人员, 教师, 以及校园和社区的合作伙伴
  • reflect on and interrogate our worldviews, 假设, biases, and practices
  • 勇敢空间中跨越差异的对话, and take intersectional action towards social change at the individual, 学校, 以及制度层面
  • dismantle policies and attitudes that affect our stakeholders (i.e., students, clients, business partners, partner 学校s)

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 格雷格Bartley at (电子邮件保护).

The 资源开发委员会 is an advisory body to the 教育与公共服务学院 (SEHS). 这篇作文, 功能, and responsibilities of the 资源开发委员会 are to assist SEHS carrying out its mission; attend 学校 meetings, 学生的功能, and other 大学 events; serve as an ambassador for SEHS to the larger 社区, including stewardship of the existing relationships with friends of SEHS and assist in developing new friends for the 学校; assist the 学校’s endeavors to obtain financial support for its initiatives; and recruit new board members as needed.





















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